Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tar and cigars...CigarLive's downfall...All time favorite author...

Last night I ventured out into the 32 degree weather with a Man 'O War corona and decided I would use a punch cut on this little cigar. Well, that worked great, I got a really nice draw and a was really enjoying this cigar. Well, by the last 2 inches, I all of a sudden got this horrible taste in my mouth, harsh, strong and really just flat out gross. When I looked at the punched end of my cigar, I noticed a ton of tar had formed in the little punch opening. It was really gross, and caused me to toss the smoke.

I tend to find that this happens when I punch a smaller ring cigar, and I wonder why? Any ideas? Feel free to leave a comment.

As some of you readers might know, I started on the ride of cigar forums at CigarLive, about a year and a half ago. I really did not know what to expect when I joined because I had never been a member of any Internet forum, and really did not know what to expect. I really was just sort of your typical cigar smoker who really just enjoyed cigars, never really thinking to much about what goes into them, and the wide range of cigars that are out there. I had my favorites and I stuck to them.

Well, then I joined Cigar Live. I really enjoyed learning about the differet blends and what people nliked and did not like. I really enjoyed talking about cigars and learning things about lighters, cutters, and what makes cigars different. I also branched out from my comfort zone and really enjoyed some cigars I would never have tried. But the best thing that happened was meeting the people who live in my area and enjoy cigars. I can say that I consider them to be my friends.

So why in the title of this post do I mention CigarLive's downfall? Well, because the place is gone, replaced by a shell of what it once was. Changes were happening over the last 6 to 8 months and I saw many members leave, but I stuck around because it was still my first home, and I still liked it. Then, a man names Jon Caputo purchased the site, and things changed overnight. I don't think it was what Jon did that changed the site, it was how the membership (including myself) reacted and retreated from CL that did it in. The posts slowed to almost a trickle, the talk was gone, my friends were gone, CigarLive was gone and replaced with the stupidest name for a cigar web site I have ever heard.

CigarLive is just a shell of it's former self, and that is sad. It was a fun ride while it lasted, but it's over now, and it will never return to what it was. So CigarLive is not CigarDead in my mind and if you are looking for a forum, I would suggest giving me your e-mail address, or going to and joining there forum. It's a better atmosphere with betting information.

I joined an outcast from CL site and am seeing all of the friends I enjoyed talking to on CigarLive. The passion is back and that is what I really enjoy seeing. Hopefully things won't change at outcast!

So as I was reading last night, I was thinking about my favorite books, and authors of all time. I would have to say I have three favorites...Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child, and Archer Mayor. The first two you might know, but Mayor writes great little police procedural novels set in Brattelboro VT. They are fantastic little mysteries set in a great out of the way location. Pick up a book by him if you want a great read.

Also, I thought I would fill you all in that I don't buy my novels at a book store, I support my local Library, and every book that I reference in this blog will be taken out of the Palatine Public Library!

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