Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What was I thinking

So, what the heck was I thinking starting a blog? Who really cares what the heck I have to say. Well maybe not that many people, but I will say it anyway.

How should I start? I guess I will just tell you about my plans for this space and what I have in store for all of you!

I plan to use this space to tell you what I have been up to reading and smoking cigars. These are my two hobbies. I usually read about two books a week, novels in the mystery thriller area with some nonfiction thrown in from time to time, and smoke about a cigar a day. This is how I unwind after a day of working, and it is just me time to think about the day and sort of let it all go. Some of my favorite authors are currently: Robert B. Parker, Stewart Woods, Vince Flynn, David Baldacci, Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston, and James Rollins. Some of my favorite cigars are: Don Pepin Garcia Cuban Classic, Don Pepin Garcia Blue, 601's and many many more.

Well check in from time to time to see reviews of books and cigars, and find out a little bit about me and my life.

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